
This is what i put my money on!

This is what i put my money on! After searching so long for a usable and affordable AHRS i found this. and guess what? Its made in Holland!

A miniature, real time, Attitude & Heading Reference System offering full 360 degree digital outputs of rate of turn, linear acceleration and heading.

MEMS gyros & accelerometers
Solid state magnetic compass
DSP modelling of drift and bias
High update rate
Temperature, 3D misalignment & cross axis compensated
Optional compass soft iron compensation
Development kit with software

These are the guys that make it. http://www.xsens.com/

!! 2-Axisgyroscope in ONE bga! Waht about the third axis? Could they not have put it in ? Just kidding:)

3-Axis magneto from sparkfun. This nice thingy could solve the problem of eulers, quaternions and .....